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Monday, April 13, 2009

250 FREE Business Cards & More

What you see there is the haul I got from VistaPrint (well, no room for ALL 250 business cards AND 50 postcards). As you can see, it's all Avon themed when I had an Avon business. A fellow Avon lady had recommended VistaPrint for inexpensive (and many FREE) products to help us promote Avon. I checked it out and saw what I liked! They have a ton of free promotions, including the 250 FREE Business Cards, Free Pen, Free Small Stamp, Free Keychain, and much more. What's really kool, VistaPrint has a bunch of designs to choose from so you can customize every item the way you want.

I ordered the 250 business cards, 50 postcards, 1 keychain, 1 large car magnet, 25 regular magnets, and 1 small rubber stamp (close to a $100 value not including S&H) for just the price of Shipping, which was $10 in my case! And I am always receiving MAJOR deals in my email inbox for new free items or sales on more premium items.

VistaPrint is not JUST for business either, they have designs for Weddings, Birthdays, Parties, Gatherings, and many more occasions. I am definitely going to use them again for not only Promoting my blogs, but score a few personal items for my home (found a nifty caricature family design for a mousepad that is way cute).

10 FREE Products for business or personal use!



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Christina said...
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