Coupons are a great way to cut costs on everyday items. With the "magic" of the internet in play, there are even some pretty easy ways to get coupons other than the usual Sunday paper or the so-called everday "Junk Mail" (actually, you can get great Walgreens and CVS coupons in the mail). I have compiled a bunch of sites that have awesome coupons on the web. selection of printable coupons in your area
CoolSavings- Printable and online coupons for both grocery and regular shopping.
SmartSource- Printable grocery coupons
Red Plum- Grocery and other great coupons
These are something I recently found out about. E-coupons are coupons that are loaded directly onto your grocery discount cards. This saves paper, ink, and clipping time. If you need to remember what you loaded onto your cards, these places do have a shopping list section that you can print out (much better than printing a ton of coupons). Currently has Kroger stores in system, but may be adding other stores soon. I've saved over $5 with them already shopping with my Fry's card!
Cellfire- Just like Shortcuts, but they also can send you texts through your phone about savings AND you can add coupons through your phone. Plus, they have coupons for stores like Best Buy, Hollywood video, and Jiffy Lube on top of grocery store coupons!
U-Promise- Has much more than just can save money for college (or whatever you want, really) from shopping online, using your credit card for groceries/gas, and more!
P&G E-saver- P&G now has their coupons online!
A Full Cup- Lots of great coupons from Target, coupon swaps, and Coupon Generator (print multiple of the same coupon). This site came in handy when it came time to buy baby food for my son. They had a Target coupon for Gerber Baby Food Jars/Tubs that I printed multiples of....then I joined to get coupons in the mail as well as printable ones. I combined the manufacture and store coupons and saved a ton of money!
Coupons & Things by Dede- Get whole inserts or clipped coupons sent to your house. They have a large coupon database.
The Coupon Clippers- Very much like the above site...
If you know of anymore great coupon sites, please let me know in a comment!
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