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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

It's another Thursday and it's time again to think of ways to be save money and start thinking frugally.

PhotobucketDonate- My local Savers and Goodwill stores give everyone who donate goods to them, a coupon and a paper for your tax deductions. Use the coupon the next time you purchase a great find from them AND keep the donation receipt for tax time. Get 2 deals from one thing!

PhotobucketSave Reciepts- You never know when something will go on sale and you can get it at the better price. Likewise, you can sometimes get stuff for free if the price was represented wrong on the receipt. I know Fry's Food stores honor that.

PhotobucketSave Your Change- Get a large water jug (clean one of course) for super cheap, or free, and fill it with your loose change. Pennies are always ending up on the floor of my house. And don't get me started on couches and cars...they are a gold mine for loose change! The money will add up eventually. Go on a special trip or buy something nice for yourself.

PhotobucketShop with Rebates- CVS and Walgreens both have a rebate program that can really save you money...and sometimes make money! Here's a testimonial from a fellow Frugal mom. Plus, there are websites with free Rebate programs for Shopping online.

PhotobucketRepair Damaged/Old Clothes- So Bedazzling may be an old trend or only for little girls, but you can find many great ideas for patching up holes or just making a worn out shirt look gorgeous at You can even transform old jeans into cute purses.



1 added their 2 cents:

The Constant Complainer said...

Christina, you have an interesting blog. I am a first time visitor.

I came across your link when I doing some research on Blog Catalog for one of my own posts - about coupons.

Anyway, I always try to make it a point to comment. Thanks.


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